Monday, August 13, 2012

TShirt Etiquette

Our Green GoLakeview TShirts have arrived.  We tried to get enough of each size, but if you are having trouble with getting your size, check with Angie in Admin and we will see what we can do.

If you are wondering when to wear your shirt, here is the plan:  

WEAR YOUR SHIRT EVERY FRIDAY until the last week of September.

The other clinic wide shirt days are 
GoLive Day and Survivor Night.

Wear solid color scrubs/trousers/pants/slacks 
with your TShirt.

  NO JEANS, please. 

If you want to wear it other days that is ok (just be sure it is clean :-) !  

If you don't want to wear your shirt, please wear something in a bright green color on the days I have noted.

And, lastly, send me some photos with us wearing the TShirts.  Just make sure everyone in the photo knows I plan to post it on the Blog!

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