Sunday, July 29, 2012


GoLakeview Week Number Nine

I hope everyone had a good weekend.  The temperature was perfect, and everything was so GREEN again after some rain.  Do you feel like the summer is flying by?  It seems like we are kids again, getting ready to go back to school, only this time there is only one subject (the EHR) looming ahead.  And also, lucky for us, we get to help each other with our studying and homework, and there aren't any tests!  

Well, that is not exactly true, since this week there is a quiz about our doctors, sponsored by the Amy and the Lab team.  (Since Amy and I are the only ones who have the answers, We expect to make some new friends this week.  Just kidding...)  And on Friday there will be Pizza for everyone at Lakeview!


Some of you have played this game as a social ice breaker, in order to get to know others in a group.  It is called Two Truths and a Lie.  This week we will be finding the lies from some of our doctors.  For each doctor, decide which statement is a lie, A, B, or C.  Gather your team's answers together and submit one answer sheet per team.  Give or fax your answers to Amy in the Waconia Lab, and she will grade your test.   Answer sheets are due by noon on Thursday, and the Treat Tub will go to the winning team on Friday.  

Lakeview Doctors: Two Truths and a Lie Quiz

1.  Three things about Dr. Laurel Erickson 
A. She played the piano and the flute.  
B. She studied physics at the University of Nottingham, England.  
C. She has taught English as Second Language to Pakistani immigrants. 

2.  Three things about Dr. Monte Johnson
A. I own a Harley Davidson motorcycle.  
B. I once sang "Edelweiss" as Captain von Trap in a production of "The Sound of Music.  
C. I married the girl with whom I went to my Junior Prom. 

3.  Three things about Dr. Bob Needham
A. He worked as an elevator operator.
B. He ran a marathon. 
C. He dug latrines for a job.    

4.  Three things about Dr. Heidi Wuerger
A. She jumped in a vat of jello for a fundraiser.
B. She sewed her wedding dress.
C. She went on a trip backpacking in Europe after college. 

5.  Three things about Dr. Bruce Hoggarth
A. One of my hobbies is nature photography.   
B. I love to bare foot waterski on my day off.
C. I had a Biology project in college studying squirrel behaviour.

6.  Three things about Dr. Tara McMichael
A. Her first car was a 1971 pea green Plymouth Valiant with bench seats, no radio, and the wiper fluid pumped from the floor.
B. She spent a terrified night in the mountains of Glacier National Park with a large, noisy animal snorting outside her tent for hours only to discover it was a mountain goat licking the salt off her backpack.  
C. She has a passion for golf and has travelled all over the US, including Hawaii and Pebble Beach, and internationally to Wales and Northern Ireland to experience the best golfing experiences.

7.  Three things about Dr. Todd Holcomb
A.  He can solve a Rubik's cube in under two minutes.  
B.  He once did research in which he grinded up mummy bones.  
C.  He used to race motorcycle motocross.  

8.   Three things about Dr. Audrey Fox
A. In Junior High, I travelled to schools in our area, singing a solo for a Veterans’ Day Commemoration production.
B. The summer after graduating from college, I backpacked in Europe for a month with my roommate.
C. I have completed my ground school training for flying small aircraft.

9.  Three things about Dr. Jeff Indrelie
A.  Played golf at the Old Course in St. Andrews, Scotland.  
B.  Attended a two-room grade school.  
C.  Did an appendectomy while in college.  

10. Three things about Dr. Sarah Carlson
A. Was featured on the back page of the Star Tribune sports section with a 6-pound smallmouth bass.
B. Was an all-conference pole vaulter in college.
C. Roasted a marshmallow over lava from a volcano in Guatemala. 

11. Three things about Dr. Mark LaRose
A. He brought a Jurassic sized wasp to work to prove he wasn't making up the "Cicada Killer Wasp" from some bad horror movie.  
B. The only letter on his high school letter jacket was in rifle.  
C. He has taught bird watching classes at Community Education
12. Three things about Dr. Sandi Beulke
A.  She lived in Thailand as a child.
B.  She ran Grandma's marathon.
C.  She enjoys horror movies.

13. Three things about Dr. Paul Brown
A. He was valedictorian of his class.
B. He likes sour cream raisin pie.
C. He once cut firewood for a living.

14. Three things about Dr. Amy Meath
A. She played basketball for four years at St. Ben's.
B. She can recite all the presidents in order.
C. She has never been on a snowmobile.

15. Three things about Dr. Janet Bergeron
A. She is a gourmet cook.
B. She loves college football and Bruce Springsteen.
C. Her first job was at a factory making Miller Lite cardboard cutouts.

16. Three things about Dr. John Beithon
A. He plays guitar and sings punk rock.
B. He prefers country music.
C. He had hair down to his shoulders.

17. Three things about Dr. Bonnie Hill
A. In 1976 she biked from South Carolina to Colorado in the “Bike Centennial”.
B. She knit five sweaters her first semester of college.  
C. She once studied endangered birds in Hawaii.   

18. Three things about Dr Dan Keeley
A.  He was blessed by the Pope.
B.  He placed 2nd in a chocolate chip cookie contest.
C.  He sang aboard a Parisian river boat cruise.

19: Three things about Dr. John Peitersen
A.   He broke his leg at a high school dance.
B.   He was delivered by Dr. Bean at Ridgeview.
C.   He has been stabbed by a sting ray.

20. Three things about Dr. Joe VanKirk
A.  He loves golf.
B.  He went to school in St. Louis.
C.  He is an excellent ballroom dancer.

21. Three things about Dr. Scott Ellingson
A. Audited a dancing class in college with thirty women.  
B. Speaks conversational Italian. 
C. I am very afraid of bats and snakes.

22. Three things about Dr. Don Somers
A. He studied the works of Wordsworth and Coleridge in Oxford, England.        
       B.  He was a competitive trapshooter as a teenager.        
C.  He took Arthur Murray dance lessons.  

23. Three things about Dr. Molly Johnston
       A. I was the coxswain on the men's crew team.
B. I was born on a military base in Guam.
C. I got to go onstage at a Bon Jovi concert in exchange for medical treatment I provided for the sound manager.

 Good Luck and Have Fun!

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