Saturday, July 21, 2012


GoLakeview WEEK TEN

What a success for WEEK ELEVEN!  The blog has had over 225 views!  Our teams had fun with the movie quotes, and we celebrated a win for Radiology.  Thanks to Trish for the goal of full participation, communication and fun, rather than who gets the most answers right.

Also, the "Think Positive" team is proving how easy it is to communicate by email, blog and phone, continuing the "Think Positive" goal of no meetings!  Team leaders are stepping up with great ideas for the coming weeks. and ideas are always welcome from all of you!  We are working on an on line way to take your suggestions...for now you can email

Please check out our WEEK TEN green signs posted throughout the clinic for updates regarding the EHR progress.  This week there are details about our Notebook computers.

This week’s Think Positive activity

Sponsor: Norwood

Norwood challenges the Lakeview Teams to photograph the messiest collections of paper charts.  This may be a staff or physician desk, or a clinic area such as the record room.  Please respect patient and staff privacy. This means: do not include any patients or identifiable patient information in the photo, and get permission from any Lakeview people who are in the photos, making sure they know we may post their photo on our blog.   Please send your photos to Jodie by noon, Thursday, July 26th.  The best photos will be posted on our blog, and the team submitting the very best photo will receive the TREAT TUB (see TUB photos on our blog) on July 27th!  

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