Monday, September 24, 2012


In honor of the last Think Positive week, we plan to have a fun Chips and Salsa day on Friday, Sept. 28th!

Lakeview Clinic will provide chips and salsa to each department.
Everyone is also welcome to bring their favorite dip or salsa to share and add to all the fun!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

WEEK TWO Good Things List

Good Things About the EHR

1.    No hard to read handwriting.

2.    Nurses don’t have to FAX as much.

3.    Office visit can be printed out to take home and show another family member, for example when a parent cannot be present.

4.    Not having to go looking for a chart.

5.    Having the INR flowsheet.

6.    Immunizations are quicker to chart.

7.    No paper cuts.

8.    Patients have confidence we are using up to date methods.

9.    It reminds you if you prescribe something a patient is allergic to.

10.                  It reminds you about drug interactions.

11.                  If the history is complex, doctors can still dictate using Dragon.

12.                  Some of us have had a few tears, which keeps our eyes moist.

13.                  Front office people have helped with entering immunizations.

14.                  It calculates the BMI.

15.                  It graphs the growth charts.

16.                  Biceps strength is improved by carrying the computers.

17.                  Doctors have access to records anywhere there is internet.

18.                  No one from Chaska has quit yet!

19.                  Nurses don’t have to write long med lists over and over.

20.                  Doctors are less likely to leave all their charting to do at the end of the day.

21.                  Easy to see when patients are in the room and ready.

22.                  Doctor/nurse teams can choose who takes the initial history.

23.                  No more double documentation of prescription refills.

24.                  Notes are in the chart the same day as visit, so others can see them for follow up or phone calls.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Special note from Cary!

This week's contest is Lakeview Clinic Trivia.   Answers due at the end of the day on Thursday.  Email or fax to Cary in Medical Records 442-2970 or at .  If you took any photos, send them to Dr. Hill.  Lets get more fun pictures of our departments.
Add this to the trivia list:
This week is Lakeview Clinic Trivia, sponsored by Cary and the Medical Records, Coding, Computer Room ladies.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

WEEK ONE Trivia Questions


1.     How did Lakeview Clinic get its name?

2.     Where was the first Lakeview Clinic located?

3.     What is currently in the original Lakeview Clinic building?

4.     Who were the first physicians to start the clinic?

5.     What year did the Lakeview Clinic originate?

6.     What year did Lakeview Clinic open the current Waconia location?

7.     How many Physicians have retired from the clinic?

8.     How many Administrators has the clinic had?

9.     Who is the nurse that started at the original clinic that is still working here?

10.  Who is the nurse that started at the original clinic that just retired?

11.  Who was the first surgeon at Lakeview?

12.  Who was the first OB/GYN at Lakeview?

13.  Who was the first female physician to start at the clinic?

14.  Who was the first Eye Doctor at Lakeview Clinic?

15.  Was physical therapy ever at Lakeview Clinic?

16.  Have any of the Lakeview Clinic physicians ever made house calls?

17.  How many Lakeview Clinics are there and the locations?

18.  Who were the original physicians at Watertown clinic when we merged?

19.  Who were the original physicians at Norwood clinic when we merged?

20.  What year did the Watertown office open?

21.  What year did the original Norwood office open?

22.  What year did the current Norwood office open?

23.  What year did the Chaska office open?

24.  Which doctor still working at Lakeview Clinic has been here the longest?

25.  How long has Bob Wilcox been our Administrator?

26.  How many years has Tom Bowman been our Assistant Administrator?

27.  How long has Dr. Donald Somers been our President of Lakeview Clinic?

28.  How many file cabinets full of charts does the Waconia Medical Records have?

29.  How many file cabinets full of charts does the Watertown Medical Records have?

30.  How many file cabinets full of charts does the Norwood Medical Records have?

31.  How many file cabinets full of charts does the Chaska Medical Records have?

32.  In the 1980’s, what was the machine called that records received their phone messages on?

33.  What year did the most recent remodeling begin at the Waconia office?

34.  Which departments did not relocate when we did our last remodeling project in the Waconia office?

35.  How many active patients does Lakeview Clinic have?

Monday, September 17, 2012

Progress report and Green Patient from Chaska

I know that you all were working really hard, so that there wasn't really time to do the fun team things last week.  We were all put to the test, weren't we, learning so much in such a short time?  This week will be better, but certainly not without ongoing challenges.  PLEASE, EVERY TEAM,  send Heather  a list of "GOOD THINGS ABOUT THE EHR"  by the end of the week, even if it is only three or four things.  We will combine the lists and post them on the blog.

Fun photo from last week's green week, starring Judy, a brave and amazing patient!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Good Morning All!  I hope you have all had a good night's sleep.  There was so much change going on yesterday that I felt like I had a bunch of marbles bouncing around in my head when I went home.  I am borrowing this phrase from Dr. Wuerger, who said she felt this way after her second training day.

We all know some parts of the system are not yet working right.  This morning the EHR committee will be meeting to discuss this, and what else still needs to be done.  While yesterday was less than perfect, just looking at these photos makes me confident that Lakeview can make the necessary adjustments to use the EHR in a useful and meaningful way.

THANK YOU to ALL of you, for putting in your best effort on GoLive Day.

  And keep the photos coming!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Surviving Survivor night!

Thank you to Dr. Larson and everyone who helped on Survivor night, as well as everyone who attended.  In spite of the troubles with the system, there was tremendous positive energy.  There has been a suggestion that we have a similar party in future years.

If you haven't heard, the trouble we had getting on to the system was explained by Allscripts as a failure on their part to restart their system after installing a new part of our system.  I was happy to learn it was NOT a problem on our end of things.  I am sure they will be more careful with us this week!

I especially liked the fire pit in the parking lot, where I had a s'more and got to burn a few old chart pages, which felt really good.  If you didn't get to the fire pit, you missed some very creative writing by Deb Fillbrandt.  She sent me the "Oath" and "Ode" (below), which were available to read before tossing those yellowing pages with the fountain pen entries onto the fire.


Oh, my precious tablet
Paper charts forget.
I vow to use you alone,
“No more paper!” I say without a groan.

I will care for you faithfully,
Keep you clean diligently
And always charged,
Lest I become discharged.
At all times, know your location,
Even when I’m on vacation.

Oh, my precious tablet,
More precious than my wallet.
With this oath you can expect
My respect, and I will connect.


Oh, dear chart
Dog-eared and falling apart,
Over the years you have served us well,
But alas you must fell.

I vow to remember you always
As Electronic Health Records takes over in a haze.

Technology, technology,
I thought the toughest was Biology.
EHR, my biggest nightmare,
I want to pull out my hair.

I am told
By those big and bold
Each day will improve.
The more I move
Through Allscripts and survive
The more I will feel alive!

I have completed eLearn
So now you must burn.
You’re gone in flame
It’ll never be the same.

Week Four Winner, and answers

This week's winner is the Lab team in Waconia.  Congratulations!   Here are the answers to the fun quiz created by the Radiology Team.  Thanks for the extra effort!

Where’s Vicky Answers

1.     Donna Grimm’s desk, Waconia
2.     Doctor Brown’s desk, North Station Waconia
3.     Watertown basement
4.     West Station’s refrigerator
5.     Bob’s office
6.     The unfinished area of Waconia aka. “The Pit”
7.     Minor Surgery, Northeast Station, Waconia
8.     Lab, Waconia
9.     Front Desk, Waconia
10. Deb’s Desk, Business Office, Norwood
11. Watertown Office
12. Dr. Ludwig’s exam room, Waconia
13. CT scanner, Waconia
14. Lab, Chaska
15. Norwood Breakroom
16. Chaska property on Lake Grace
17. Waconia pharmacy
18. The back side of East Station’s door

Sunday, September 2, 2012


This week's contest is a series of photos of Vicky.  Your team's job is to identify where each photo was taken.  You must include exactly where the photo was taken and at which site.  The results should be emailed or faxed to Cindy at by noon on Thursday.  Have fun!

Where is Super User Vicky?

Where is Super User Vicky?
Everyone is always looking for Vicky.  Your game this week is to name where Vicky is in each photo. She could be in any of the four Lakeview facilities.  You must identify which site and where within that site she is to be given credit for your answer.

















Week Five Winner

The Winner for Week Five is Watertown, with the treat tub delivered on Friday.  
Congratulations Watertown!

However the biggest charts were not from Watertown.  After the noon deadline passed and the treat tub was on it's way, an entry was received from Chaska that broke the record, as follows:

Total weight for combined single volume adult and child is 15.8 lbs. The adult chart weight 6.8 lbs and the child chart weighed 9 lbs.  Just for fun we have an adult patient with 7 volumes and that weighed in at a whopping 27 lbs!! The child volume had 6 volumes and weighed in at 17 lbs!

Just think of all the heavy charts we'll be missing over the coming months....and check out the next post describing the fun contest planned for this week.