Sunday, September 2, 2012

Week Five Winner

The Winner for Week Five is Watertown, with the treat tub delivered on Friday.  
Congratulations Watertown!

However the biggest charts were not from Watertown.  After the noon deadline passed and the treat tub was on it's way, an entry was received from Chaska that broke the record, as follows:

Total weight for combined single volume adult and child is 15.8 lbs. The adult chart weight 6.8 lbs and the child chart weighed 9 lbs.  Just for fun we have an adult patient with 7 volumes and that weighed in at a whopping 27 lbs!! The child volume had 6 volumes and weighed in at 17 lbs!

Just think of all the heavy charts we'll be missing over the coming months....and check out the next post describing the fun contest planned for this week.

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