Thursday, September 20, 2012

WEEK ONE Trivia Questions


1.     How did Lakeview Clinic get its name?

2.     Where was the first Lakeview Clinic located?

3.     What is currently in the original Lakeview Clinic building?

4.     Who were the first physicians to start the clinic?

5.     What year did the Lakeview Clinic originate?

6.     What year did Lakeview Clinic open the current Waconia location?

7.     How many Physicians have retired from the clinic?

8.     How many Administrators has the clinic had?

9.     Who is the nurse that started at the original clinic that is still working here?

10.  Who is the nurse that started at the original clinic that just retired?

11.  Who was the first surgeon at Lakeview?

12.  Who was the first OB/GYN at Lakeview?

13.  Who was the first female physician to start at the clinic?

14.  Who was the first Eye Doctor at Lakeview Clinic?

15.  Was physical therapy ever at Lakeview Clinic?

16.  Have any of the Lakeview Clinic physicians ever made house calls?

17.  How many Lakeview Clinics are there and the locations?

18.  Who were the original physicians at Watertown clinic when we merged?

19.  Who were the original physicians at Norwood clinic when we merged?

20.  What year did the Watertown office open?

21.  What year did the original Norwood office open?

22.  What year did the current Norwood office open?

23.  What year did the Chaska office open?

24.  Which doctor still working at Lakeview Clinic has been here the longest?

25.  How long has Bob Wilcox been our Administrator?

26.  How many years has Tom Bowman been our Assistant Administrator?

27.  How long has Dr. Donald Somers been our President of Lakeview Clinic?

28.  How many file cabinets full of charts does the Waconia Medical Records have?

29.  How many file cabinets full of charts does the Watertown Medical Records have?

30.  How many file cabinets full of charts does the Norwood Medical Records have?

31.  How many file cabinets full of charts does the Chaska Medical Records have?

32.  In the 1980’s, what was the machine called that records received their phone messages on?

33.  What year did the most recent remodeling begin at the Waconia office?

34.  Which departments did not relocate when we did our last remodeling project in the Waconia office?

35.  How many active patients does Lakeview Clinic have?

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