Saturday, September 8, 2012

Surviving Survivor night!

Thank you to Dr. Larson and everyone who helped on Survivor night, as well as everyone who attended.  In spite of the troubles with the system, there was tremendous positive energy.  There has been a suggestion that we have a similar party in future years.

If you haven't heard, the trouble we had getting on to the system was explained by Allscripts as a failure on their part to restart their system after installing a new part of our system.  I was happy to learn it was NOT a problem on our end of things.  I am sure they will be more careful with us this week!

I especially liked the fire pit in the parking lot, where I had a s'more and got to burn a few old chart pages, which felt really good.  If you didn't get to the fire pit, you missed some very creative writing by Deb Fillbrandt.  She sent me the "Oath" and "Ode" (below), which were available to read before tossing those yellowing pages with the fountain pen entries onto the fire.


Oh, my precious tablet
Paper charts forget.
I vow to use you alone,
“No more paper!” I say without a groan.

I will care for you faithfully,
Keep you clean diligently
And always charged,
Lest I become discharged.
At all times, know your location,
Even when I’m on vacation.

Oh, my precious tablet,
More precious than my wallet.
With this oath you can expect
My respect, and I will connect.


Oh, dear chart
Dog-eared and falling apart,
Over the years you have served us well,
But alas you must fell.

I vow to remember you always
As Electronic Health Records takes over in a haze.

Technology, technology,
I thought the toughest was Biology.
EHR, my biggest nightmare,
I want to pull out my hair.

I am told
By those big and bold
Each day will improve.
The more I move
Through Allscripts and survive
The more I will feel alive!

I have completed eLearn
So now you must burn.
You’re gone in flame
It’ll never be the same.

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