Sunday, September 23, 2012

WEEK TWO Good Things List

Good Things About the EHR

1.    No hard to read handwriting.

2.    Nurses don’t have to FAX as much.

3.    Office visit can be printed out to take home and show another family member, for example when a parent cannot be present.

4.    Not having to go looking for a chart.

5.    Having the INR flowsheet.

6.    Immunizations are quicker to chart.

7.    No paper cuts.

8.    Patients have confidence we are using up to date methods.

9.    It reminds you if you prescribe something a patient is allergic to.

10.                  It reminds you about drug interactions.

11.                  If the history is complex, doctors can still dictate using Dragon.

12.                  Some of us have had a few tears, which keeps our eyes moist.

13.                  Front office people have helped with entering immunizations.

14.                  It calculates the BMI.

15.                  It graphs the growth charts.

16.                  Biceps strength is improved by carrying the computers.

17.                  Doctors have access to records anywhere there is internet.

18.                  No one from Chaska has quit yet!

19.                  Nurses don’t have to write long med lists over and over.

20.                  Doctors are less likely to leave all their charting to do at the end of the day.

21.                  Easy to see when patients are in the room and ready.

22.                  Doctor/nurse teams can choose who takes the initial history.

23.                  No more double documentation of prescription refills.

24.                  Notes are in the chart the same day as visit, so others can see them for follow up or phone calls.

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